Kali Ray TriYoga Workshop
Ok so sorry my chronology is a little out of order for this month anyhow.
Last weekend one of my dear yoga teachers, Nandi (seated with the black TriYoga shirt) was here in Durham for a weekend workshop.She is such an excellent teacher and is loved by many. She's been with TriYoga since about 1989. I really like TriYoga in that the flows are very beautiful, graceful & meditative. Also, the orginal yoga terms are used, there is no down-dog ( who wants to feel like a dog?), but the original names like Mountain are used. And not pigeon (don't wanta feel like that either) but Swan. The sanskrit word for swan is Hamsa. A swan can extract milk from water, in the same way we need to extract the good from our situations.
http://www.triyoga.com for more info on the flows.
We flowed Satruday from 10-4. . They had a vegan potluck that evening at Joy's house. My dear friend Mother KrsnaPriya & I are aspiring tho get our certification. Sunday we had class from 9-4, Level I. We learned so much and it was so nice to really find the complete breath again.
Kali Ray will be here for a weekend workshop, The Art & Science of Flow in November in Charlotte. M Krsna Priya and I will go together for 3 days of classes with Kaliji. Kaliji introduced me to Lord Krsna in 1991 at her yoga studio in Santa Cruz, CA. She had pictures of Krsna hanging up and I was very attracted to Him. I asked her who He was and she told me "that is Krsna, He is God." We also chanted the Maha-Manta, Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare during the weekly satsang. I loved chanting the holy name so much that I bought a cassette and I played and sang this mantra constantly. I also bought my first japa beads from her and heard of the Bhagavad Gita. I hadn't met any ISKCON devotees at that time, but she had flyers for the San Francisco Ratha Yatra and was organizing car pools to go. I couldn't make it though as I was fully engaged in a ballet company. I didn't know there were Krsna Temples so when someone told me I should visit a Krsna Temple I was really excited. I found my way to the Denver temple and a month later moved into the Boulder Temple.
Ok, back to the present, speaking of one of my loves, Yoga.
I've been teaching 2 yoga classes a week. I hope to get back into daily practice again. We don't realize how much tension we are carrying around until it is all released. By practicng the flows with pranayama one feels very happy, positive, peaceful and purified. It is a very sattvic practice. Only by first coming to the platform of the mode of goodness can we be elevated to the transcendental mode.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti