Saturday evening our dear friends, Amsu & Rangadevi hosted their annual Diwali festival (Festival of Lights) in their home. Diwali is a huge festive occasion celebrated throughout India. The lighting of lamps goes back to when Lord Rama with His consort Sita Devi Sita were returning to Their home in Ayodhya after many years. The citizens were very happy to welcome back their king and queen and all the homes and roads were surrounded with candles. Amsu & Rangadevi also placed candles all along the house and walkway outside. It looked really bright & beautiful under the clear star lit sky.
Diwali reminds me of Christmas, New Years and 4th of July all in one!
My husband had performed a fire yajna, but that started at 5 Lakshmi and I were still home making sweets thinking it was starting at 6 so we missed that part. When we arrived devotees were having nice bhajans.
Rasa Priya was singing, my husband, Drsta prabhu and Gaurangi sang Damodarastaka Prayers.
We then proceeded outside to light more candles and to play with sparklers.
Diwali reminds me of Christmas, New Years and 4th of July all in one!
My husband had performed a fire yajna, but that started at 5 Lakshmi and I were still home making sweets thinking it was starting at 6 so we missed that part. When we arrived devotees were having nice bhajans.
Rasa Priya was singing, my husband, Drsta prabhu and Gaurangi sang Damodarastaka Prayers.
We then proceeded outside to light more candles and to play with sparklers.

Subula prabhu set off some small fireworks. There were lots of kids there and they were so excited jumping up and down clapping after each one. Unfortunately there was a small accident. Somehow when he was going to light off another, the whole box exploded. Fireworks can be so dangerous. There were a few kids close by but luckily they got away quickly enough while Subhala prabhu was left with a burn on his leg and torn cloth. He didn't complain of any pain and we gave him some burn gel. That was the grand finale.
We all then went inside for prasadam (dinner). Kundalata made my favorite dish of hers- rice pillau. Guest kept pouring in and there was plenty for everyone.
We got home at about 9. As soon as I walked in the door I was greeted with the terrible overwhelming fragrance of moth balls!
It turns out that earlier my husband had placed 2 boxes of moth balls all around & under the house to ward off- snakes. Some people from India have a fear of snakes. There are some snakes around here, but they aren't poisonous. Copperheads have are sometimes spotted by rivers. Anyhow, someone from my husband's work gave him theis great moth ball idea. Of course I couldn't tolerate the smell and sure enough the box lets you know how toxic it is! Kalayana prabhu is my husband's good friend. He usually spends Saturday night here bc he does service at the temple and on Sunday cooks Sunday Feast with my husband and Jagad Guru prabhu.
So he calls the poison control dept and their advice was for us to go, or the moth balls. So I grabbed a flashlight to go get them out. Kalayana came with while the kids were getting ready for bed inside. He held the bag for me to fill while I with a flashlight searched for these undesirable balls. I didn't want to go under the house since there were so many spider webs and who knows what other creatures, so we picked them up around the outside. It reminded me of when I was little and on Easter morning searching for the plastic eggs my parents and hidden Never thought I'd be as happy to find a moth ball but I was bc I wanted them outta here. It was funny thinking what driver by's must have been thinking. By this time it was about 10. After all that hard work, Kanu(nickname for my husband) said we should go to a hotel. By this time the kids were sound asleep and I didn't want to leave. My husband, feeling duty bound armed himself to go under the house. See how funny he looks with a
We got home at about 9. As soon as I walked in the door I was greeted with the terrible overwhelming fragrance of moth balls!
It turns out that earlier my husband had placed 2 boxes of moth balls all around & under the house to ward off- snakes. Some people from India have a fear of snakes. There are some snakes around here, but they aren't poisonous. Copperheads have are sometimes spotted by rivers. Anyhow, someone from my husband's work gave him theis great moth ball idea. Of course I couldn't tolerate the smell and sure enough the box lets you know how toxic it is! Kalayana prabhu is my husband's good friend. He usually spends Saturday night here bc he does service at the temple and on Sunday cooks Sunday Feast with my husband and Jagad Guru prabhu.
So he calls the poison control dept and their advice was for us to go, or the moth balls. So I grabbed a flashlight to go get them out. Kalayana came with while the kids were getting ready for bed inside. He held the bag for me to fill while I with a flashlight searched for these undesirable balls. I didn't want to go under the house since there were so many spider webs and who knows what other creatures, so we picked them up around the outside. It reminded me of when I was little and on Easter morning searching for the plastic eggs my parents and hidden Never thought I'd be as happy to find a moth ball but I was bc I wanted them outta here. It was funny thinking what driver by's must have been thinking. By this time it was about 10. After all that hard work, Kanu(nickname for my husband) said we should go to a hotel. By this time the kids were sound asleep and I didn't want to leave. My husband, feeling duty bound armed himself to go under the house. See how funny he looks with a