Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Vrndavan turns 8

Such a nice warm day for December. Was a really good thing so the children could play outside.

Even at night it was till warm. Prasadam was not yellow, it was red. Kalayan prabhu made pizza and his wife Govinda-Lilamrta made he cake.

Opening his presents from Grammy a few days later on the actual birthdate

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Nursing Home Program

The Friday after Thanksgiving along with Kalindi and kids and Gaurangi Priya and kids went to a nursing home. First, Lakshmi, Dharvi and Radha did a couple of little ballet steps with music that I taught them. They did so well. Gaurangi Priya did a Bharat Natyam dance and I improvised a dance to Jayadeva's Radha Govinda song. Lakshmi and I also did a couple of ballets to Strauss and Brahms. The little girls then showed some of their Bharat Natyam steps. We then gave out maha prasadam cookies and flower garlands. The residents were very happy and the staff was also very pleased with the program. The children were so enthusiastic to give out the cookies and flowers. Gaurangi Priya has took some pictures of that.
One resident who was sitting in the back looked very unhappy the whole time. I was determined to make her smile before we left. Finally in a very simple child like tune I clapped and chanted Hare Krsna. Her whole face lit up with a smile and she started tapping her hand on her leg in time with the tune. Ah, the power of the holy names! As we were leaving I usually chant to residents who are sitting here and there. When we got a little past one man, he actually shouted Hare Krsna back. We were very happily surprised. I am looking forward to Christmas break so we can do more programs. Today we went into one home that is really close to here. It is a small one, smelly and not clean. I feel sorry for the residents there. They are really nice though. We brought in a box full of flower garlands and gave all the residents one and decorated their rooms with the flowers that were on the altar and lotus feet and adorning the body of Sri Sri Radha Golokananda.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Marraige of Tulasi Devi

Last Sunday night feast HH Bir Krsna Maharaja was the presiding priest for the marriage ceremony of Tulasi devi to Salagram Sila. There was a spontaneous play enacted with Maharaja narrating and M Maha Mantra acting as Tulasi. The young unmarried girls then came in with Tulasi devi. The program was concluded with a grand feast cooked by Kalayan pr and his wife along w/ M Damodara Priya and Jagad Guru

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Govardhana Puja Festival

Meeting of Sita and Hanuman, with Rangadevi & Gopal

Laksmi was enthusiastic to help decorate the hill this year

Saturday, November 03, 2007

TriYoga with Nandi in Durham

Nandi was here teaching a 3 day workshop Fri-Sunday. M Krsna Priya & I got our Level I certification. We had a wonderful weekend in the flow!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The desire I had to introduce the Ramayana drama as we did in Utah came to be this weekend here in New Goloka. It was fairly easy to put together, thanks to Caru Prabhu, temple president and drama director in Spanish Fork. We had the sound track and background video thanks to him. And New Goloka has many talented actors and actresses. Here was our cast:
In order of appearance
Mantara: Rangadevi
Kaikeyi: Karuna
King Dasratha: Sharath
Bharat: Dasaratha
Sita: Gaurangi Priya
Rama: Maha Mantra dasi
Lakshmana: Dvaipayana
Suparnaka: Yugalarasa
Ravana: Bankim Roy
Ogresses: Mandakini & Radhanuga
Mareecha: Maha Mantra das
Jatayu: Maha Mantra das
Hanuman: Jagannatha
Monkely Soldiers: Subhadra, Hanuman, Radharani, Kapila, Rasaraja,Radha, Jaya, Gandarvika, Vidura,Vrndavan, Lakshmi
Make-up artisit: Francine
Costumes: Kundalata & Rangadevi

Mantara & Kaikeyi

My husband acted as Ravana

Ravana & Bharat




Monkey Soldiers Radha, Lakshmi & Shyam

Some of the cast at dress rehearsal

After the battle
For more photos, please visit

Friday, October 05, 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007

CA ocean

Here are some pictures of the warm sunny ocean that I am finally posting. We went to the ocean many days as Mom lives just a few blocks away. These were taken in Huntington Beach.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Laguna Beach Ratha Yatra

Jaya Jagannatha!
For 3 weeks kids and I were in CA. We went to La Ratha Yatra & Laguna Beach Ratha Yatra. Both festivals were very blissful of course! In Laguna HG Dheena Bhandu pr led the kirtan. Many people got to hear the holy names as the beach area and streets were filled with people. When we got to the temple HH Radhanatha Swami sang beautiful a song written by Vasudeva Ghosa singing je krsna, se gaura, se jagannatha! There is no difference between Gauranga, Krsna & Jagannatha!
Laxmi got much mercy by making a few trips bringing flowers for maharaja. He was very merciful & appreciative. My Mom's heart was also melted by the beautiful class he gave and the kirtan he led at arati. Wish everyday could be so ecstatic!

Jaya Jagannatha!

Jaya Jaya Sri Caitanya Jaya Nityananda Jaya Adwaita Chandra Jaya Gaura Bhakta Vrnda!

Their Lordships sparkling and smiling at everyone.

je krsna se gaura se jagannatha!!!!

The procession stopped at a busy spot while everyone was happily chanting and dancing. Will try to upload the video clip again next time.

I got to meet for the first time my husband's brother- Visvakarma who is pujari and cook at the Chicago temple. He is the one in the middle. Next to him is Laxmi Narayana pr.

More to come later- I apologize for my out of orderness- my high Vata has me do things in a rush and sometimes haphazardly.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Kids Ratha Yatra

This weekend we had our 3rd annual kids Ratha Yatra. For the past 6 weeks in Sunday School we've been reading the story of how Lord Jagannath appeared. All last week Mother Kamalini and Mother Maha Mantra headed up a Jagannatha camp for the kids. Daily from 9-1 the kids heard stories, chanted, had bhajans, offered arati, cut fruit offerings for Lord Jagannatha, Snana Yatra, arts & crafts and nature outings. This was such a sweet week for all to be absorbed in the service of the Lord of the Universe. Dayavira pr built a nice bigger cart.
The kids and some matajis were also busy the past couple of weeks in play practice- the appearance of Lord Jagannatha. I am happy Vrndavan & Lakshmi really like being in the plays. Everyone did such a great job. Everyone was very happy.

Unfortunately I missed the procession again because of having to be at the ballet studio. Pati took the kiddies though and he video taped it. Apurva prabhu & Gaurangi Priya cooked an amazing feast. There were so many people this year- each year this festival is growing. The weather was really nice- not too hot. Govinda pr and Maha-Mantra with their guitars led the Jagannatha-astakam prayers. There were about 5 sets of Lord Jagannatha deities in the temple room and as soon as the the singing of "Jaya Jagannatha" started everyone simultaneously stood up and danced with great enthusiasm. The festival led into the Sunday night feast. The play was performed again, esp for those that weren't here the previous day. We brought our Deities and this time I did a dance for Them since I couldn't on Saturday. Kalayan pr and his wife cooked a very opulent feast.
Today Mother Kamalini did a girls camp. They got nice gopi dots, did some cooking, and played Gopi games. Life has been so sweet & festive here! Jaya Jagannatha!!!!