The full moon of Kartika- very auspicious time of the Rasa dance-the moon witnesses it and therefore is very nectarian this night.
Tonight is the first night of Kartika. This time of year I especially miss being in Vrndavan- my first and last time (as of now) there was in 1994 during Kartika. Little did I know that it would be so long before I'd get to go again- perhaps if I knew I could have stayed longer and made more spiritual advancement. Alas we have the holy names which are the most powerful means of awakening our love for Krsna so there is hope and this is the best month of the year. I followed this devotee doing this years ago- Every year for Kartika the "austerity" of circumambulating Tulasi devi 108 times. I used the japa mala to keep count. On one Tulasi leaf all the holy places reside. It is also Tulasi devi's appearance day and we chant her names: Jaya Vrndavani Jaya Vrnde Vishvapujita Pushpusara Nandini Krsna Jivani Visvapavani Tulasi Every service we do during Kartika is magnified manyfold.
While we make our first Grhasta Ashrama in Utah we always had a Kartika festival each year inviting the devotees to our home, worhship Tulasi, offer ghee lamps singing Damodara astaka prayers with a big feast together. It was such a special time to come together. How different life in now- my husband is at work, kids are in bed as it is a school night and here I am. I really want to increase my hearing and chanting this month and become purified make some advancement. I wish the same for all of you and I beg for the mercy of the Vaisnavas.