It has been a fun filled week here starting the Julan Ratra- swing festival for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna during 5 days.
My husband and Lakshmi also made and decorated a swing for our home deities- Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda. I can never find the paraphanelia from the previous year so each year a new one is created.
Our Deities were brought to the temple on Balarama Purnima day- and they are now at Parijata's house waiting to be painted by her father. We miss Them.
HH BKG gave an entertaining class picking devotees to act out the pastimes he read from Krsna book.
Subala played Lord Balarama enjoying rasa dance. Drumila prabhu acted as Dravida gorilla. They were very funny.
Next story Drumila acted as Balarma, my husband was Rukmi and Dasarath was King....his name slipped my tired mind this moment.
Yummy prasadam time- was a really really terrific feast and a beautiful day
Later that day was Raksha Bandhan ceremony where the younger sister ties a decorative thread around her older brother's wrist and prays for his happiness and long life and the brother pledges to protect his sister when needed. It is supposed to bond and firm the loving relationship. Kundalata from Fiji here gave one to my husband too as she sees him as an elder brother here.
Here is the beginnings of our family band. We'll eventually get it together :)
Later that evening HH BKG came over for dinner. We have only video footage of that and I have yet to get the technology that allows me to transfer my video camera to computer. The past couple of days HG Deena Bhandu from the holy land of Vrndavan Dhama has been visiting New Goloka giving wonderful classes telling us the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krsna. If only everyday could be like these. Now I am really hankering to reside in Mayapur and Vrndavan-