We narrated the story of when some thieves made various plans to steal the jewels of Lord Nityananda. Poorna played the part of Lord Nityananda, Lakshmi and Radha played associates of Lord Nityananda.
Parth and Vrndavan acted as 2 of the theives.
Vidura, Jayananda and Narada Muni acted as guards guards of Lord Nityananda. Radha acted as the goddess Nidra that made the theives fall asleep.
The head brahmana thief realizes that Lord Nityandana is the Lord and he begs forgivess, the Lord blesses them, and then Haribol Haribol! Kirtan!
Everyone was swept up into the lively kirtan. I couldn't even stop to get my camera, this photo was taken by Damodara Priya. Then of course the festival was concluded with a sumptuous feast.