For 3 weeks kids and I were in CA. We went to La Ratha Yatra & Laguna Beach Ratha Yatra. Both festivals were very blissful of course! In Laguna HG Dheena Bhandu pr led the kirtan. Many people got to hear the holy names as the beach area and streets were filled with people. When we got to the temple HH Radhanatha Swami sang beautiful a song written by Vasudeva Ghosa singing je krsna, se gaura, se jagannatha! There is no difference between Gauranga, Krsna & Jagannatha!
Laxmi got much mercy by making a few trips bringing flowers for maharaja. He was very merciful & appreciative. My Mom's heart was also melted by the beautiful class he gave and the kirtan he led at arati. Wish everyday could be so ecstatic!
Jaya Jagannatha!
Jaya Jaya Sri Caitanya Jaya Nityananda Jaya Adwaita Chandra Jaya Gaura Bhakta Vrnda!
Their Lordships sparkling and smiling at everyone.
je krsna se gaura se jagannatha!!!!
The procession stopped at a busy spot while everyone was happily chanting and dancing. Will try to upload the video clip again next time.
I got to meet for the first time my husband's brother- Visvakarma who is pujari and cook at the Chicago temple. He is the one in the middle. Next to him is Laxmi Narayana pr.
More to come later- I apologize for my out of orderness- my high Vata has me do things in a rush and sometimes haphazardly.