My current project is to bring Krsna into the the nursing homes. I always wanted to do such programs in such places where people are suffering a lot and can't really get out much.
When we visited my Grandma a few months back in a nursing home in PA I spontaneously brought in music to put on a dance performance for everyone there. I put on Jayadeva's beautiful 108 names of Gauranga song on and improvised some ballet dance with it. Generally older folks are very good audience for ballet as they really like it.
So I felt so happy that the names of Gauranga were resounding throughout the otherwise dull atmosphere with news and soap operas blaring all day. I also read Krsna book and showed windows into the spiritual world with old BBT calendars.
Lakshmi danced with me to and they are really charmed to see children.
I thought why not do that here locally too- HH BKG was very enthusiastic to hear of this and was very encouraging so I went ahead and scheduled some places.
Prema came along and we distributed maha flowers to each person as well as maha sweets. I started with an Odissi dance to the 1st stanza in Jagannath-astakam.
Most of them have never seen Indian Classical Dance so that is something new for them. Then a ballet with the Gauranga music. Then we spend a little time befriending the people and showing them books reading to them a story. I find it nice to use the childrens' Krsna books as they are simple divine stories with lots of large colorful photos. The patients are generally very sad bored and lonely so this has been such a nice service to bring some eternal light into their lives. They are so appreciative too and it's like they don't want us to leave- it's actually hard to walk out!
So we will continue to do such programs at least weekly at different places going back again establishing personal relationships. It is such a nice service for the children to become involved in as well. I am so grateful to have this nice opportunity to share Krsna with others as that naturally increases our own love and attachment to Him. Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya!!