Gaura Purnima 3/07
Late report- Gaura Purnima fetival was March 3. We celebrated the Lord's appearance as Lord Caitanya a little over 500 years ago. He came in this age of Kali to distribute the Holy Names of the Lord- the means of meditation in this age of Kali Yuga. The Holy Names, called the Maha Mantra:
HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE are non-different from the Lord Himself and awaken the love for Him that is dormant in everyone's heart.
The Sunday School children did 2 plays enacting one of the Lord's childhood pastimes.
The first one was about how the Lord appeared.
Below left, Vrndavan played the astrologer explaining about this very auspicious appearance.
The singing Demigods come to see Nimai
Once there was a saintly person wondered by the Lord's house. His parents invited the sage in and offered him a seating place and washed his feet. They offered to cook for him, but he said he would rather cook for his Gopal (Krishna) Deity. He didn't realize yet he was in the house of Lord Krishna Himself!
It was already later in the evening already and as the sage offered prayers asking the Lord to please accept the offering he cooked for Him with love & devotion. As he was praying this, the Lord, in His childhood form called Nimai came in and started to eat the offering from the plate that was meant for his Gopal Deity. The sage upong seeing this was very upset. This little boy stole the offering! As he was lamenting loudly and Nima's mother & father ran in and felt so bad that their son stole the offering and chastised him and begged the sage to please cook again. Again he cooked and offered the foodstuffs to his Gopal and again little Nimai came in and started eating the offering. Again the sage lamented loudly and Nimai's parents begged the sage to cook one more time and they would make sure Nimai wouldn't come and disturb the offering. By this time it was 1:00 in the morning and the sage was very tired. So he cooks again and begins to offer it. Of course little Nimai came to eat the offering again. The sage was so crying asking him "WHY, WHY are you doing this to me"?
Nimai told him that you have called me so I came, I am yoiur Lord Gopal and little Nimai showed the sage His form as Lord Krishna holding a flute with crown and peacock feather. He explained that it was a secret and not to tell anyone.
The sage became so ecstatic, MY LORD offering his pranams. Then Nimai assumed his childhood form. The sage was filled with love & bliss and started to sing and dance and call everyone to join him.
Below: Radha played Nimai, Subhadra: Jagannatha Misra, Poorna: Mother Saci Parth: Bhraman sage
Oh no! AGAIN he stole the offering!
Well done children!
Program continued with Garuda prabhu from VA giving a nice class, and Batu Gopal leading a beautiful kirtan.