Someone mentioned something about this blog yesterday which I frequently forget exists. I thought I should at least post something as it is really annoying to visit some one's blog and see no new post week after week after week......
So let's go back to Christmas at New Goloka.
M Radhanuga opened her house for the community Christmas party, which started right after the morning program, 8:00 am sharp. Mother Sadhvi did a balloon show in 2 parts. The first was the appearance of Jesus so kids could understand what the purpose of Christmas is. The 2nd part was the appearance of Lord Krsna. The kids of course enjoyed the show and they each got a balloon afterwards. Radhanuga and her husband bought Christmas presents for everyone. She filled up bead bags with gifts such as incense and $10 gift certificates to the temple gift store as well as presents for the children. That was very generous of them!
HH Bir Krsna Maharaja and HG Srutakirti prabhu, who was here for a week or so doing nice programs in devotees homes speaking about his service to HDG Srila Prabhupada. He is a very nice speaker, very lively and funny. We bought his book and each day we read all together an excerpt. It is a real treasure!
The kids watching the balloon show