The desire I had to introduce the Ramayana drama as we did in Utah came to be this weekend here in New Goloka. It was fairly easy to put together, thanks to Caru Prabhu, temple president and drama director in Spanish Fork. We had the sound track and background video thanks to him. And New Goloka has many talented actors and actresses. Here was our cast:
In order of appearance
Mantara: Rangadevi
Kaikeyi: Karuna
King Dasratha: Sharath
Bharat: Dasaratha
Sita: Gaurangi Priya
Rama: Maha Mantra dasi
Lakshmana: Dvaipayana
Suparnaka: Yugalarasa
Ravana: Bankim Roy
Ogresses: Mandakini & Radhanuga
Mareecha: Maha Mantra das
Jatayu: Maha Mantra das
Hanuman: Jagannatha
Monkely Soldiers: Subhadra, Hanuman, Radharani, Kapila, Rasaraja,Radha, Jaya, Gandarvika, Vidura,Vrndavan, Lakshmi
Make-up artisit: Francine
Costumes: Kundalata & Rangadevi

Mantara & Kaikeyi

My husband acted as Ravana

Ravana & Bharat




Monkey Soldiers Radha, Lakshmi & Shyam

Some of the cast at dress rehearsal
After the battle
For more photos, please visit http://photos.walmart.com/groups/ramayana