The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. We had a very special guest visiting our New Goloka Community, Jayadeva prabhu aka John Richardson. The week before Christmas my husband & I both got slammed with a flu. I'm am still fighting the remnants of it even today! Jayadeva was singing at the noon arati each day so that was a very special treat for all.
I somehow was so involved in the programs that I didn't get many pictures or recordings which I should have! Christmas Eve was an interactive concert. He sang Gauranga, Jaya Jagannatha, Das Avatar song was sung by his talented daughter, Gaurangi. The New Goloka Sunday School kids acted it out with mudras. He also sang Kishor Kishori song to which Dayavira pr made a slide show to showing many beautiful pictures of The Supreme Lord Krishna along with his brother, Balarama. People were very happy chanting along. The following week was New Year's Eve program at Peace Unity Church in Chapel Hill with Jaydeva which included lots of singing chanting dancing & meditation from 8-1. I was really happy to greet the new year in such a way.
Weather has been mild so am grateful for that. Yesterday we had a good hike deep in Eno Mountain and had a picnic by the river. Keeping up with Mrdanga lessons and Odissi dance and will be back to teach ballet next week. That's all for now....